Super Visa (Parents and Grandparents) Health Insurance Changes

One of the objectives of Canada’s immigration legislation, the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (“IRPA”) is “to see that families are reunited in Canada” (IRPA, s. 3(1)(d)). In relation to family-class immigration, the government has not conducted a draw to allow Canadian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor their parents or grandparents since 2020. This is likely due to the substantial costs of healthcare and social services for older adults and the fact that older adults are less likely to be working and providing tax revenue to the government. In lieu of sponsorship for permanent residence (“PR”), there is the super visa.

A super visa is a multiple-entry visa that can be valid for up to 10 years or to the expiry of one’s passport. It allows non-Canadian parents and grandparents to visit their Canadian citizen, PR, or registered Indian child or grandchild for up to five (5) years at a time. The hosting child or grandchild must be at least 18 years old, meet the minimum necessary income requirement based on family size, and promise to provide financial support for the duration of their parent’s or grandparent’s visit. The parent or grandparent must have a valid private health insurance policy.

Previously, the health insurance policy must have been from a Canadian insurance company. However, the government announced recently that the health insurance policy can now be from a company outside of Canada provided the following requirements are met:

  • Issued by a foreign insurance company authorized by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (“OFSI”) to provide accident and sickness insurance; and
  • Appears on the OFSI’s list of federally regulated financial institutions; and
  • The policy is issued or made during the course of its insurance business in Canada.

By expanding the eligible list of insurance providers to companies outside of Canada, this change may make it easier for parents and grandparents to find a valid insurance policy.

If you have any questions about reunifying with your family members in Canada or about super visas, please feel free to reach out to us for a consultation. Our Canadian immigration legal professionals can be reached by phone (416-368-1111) or via email:;;;;